Monday, November 5, 2007

Technology Standards

The following are some standards that my Internet workshop will address for my final project. Please help yourself to using some of these standards for your own lesson if you need help with standards.

1. Basic operations and concepts.
• Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.
• Students are proficient in the use of technology.
2. Social, ethical, and human issues.
• Students understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology.
• Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.
• Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.
3. Technology productivity tools.
• Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
• Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works.
4. Technology communications tools.
• Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences.
• Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.
5. Technology research tools
• Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
• Students use technology tools to process data and report results.
• Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific tasks.
6. Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools
• Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.
• Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world.


Jim West said...

Thanks for sharing. I'm sure others will find them useful.

drunkbusfan said...


A very intersting post, and yes online training is a wonderful thing. I think the key is the buy in from all employees. In my career of higher education I find long tenured employees tend to be less willing to buy into new and better processes simply because they are new. It would seem in this profession where goals and objectives are high on the priority they would be more accepting of changes like this. And not that I am getting wealthy in this field personally, I know we are very well paid and the benefits of working in an educational environment are tremendous. So what have you discovered about employee motivation in contrast to student motivation? Is there a real difference?
