Monday, November 26, 2007

A Vision of Students today

I am actually thinking that maybe I should have been an anthropologist. I found "A Vision of Students Today," to be very enlightening. I have been thinking a lot about the purpose that technology has on education more than just how I want to use this in my current teaching position. There is a lot to be said about how we are effectively teaching our students and children, it is scary to think that some people/teachers do not have the insight that technology thinkers do. I'm not saying that I have special insight because I choose to get a Master's degree in IDT, but I do think that most teachers are not using technology the way that it should be used. So that is the problem and how is that fixed? Well another problem is that there is no one who can teach the teachers how to integrate this technology into their curriculum smoothly without "adding something extra" for the teacher to do. Hmmmmmm, this is a situation that undoubtedly needs to be addressed quickly.


Jim West said...

I think your point about giving teachers something extra to do is a real concern. As instructional technologists, we have opportunities to help them do this without causing overload.

Unknown said...

Very worthwhile questions, Anne. Definitely worth consideration and creative thinking for providing innovative solutions to, as Dr. West states, "As instructional technologists, we have opportunities to help them do this without causing overload." I sense opportunity for forward thinking individuals.

Mariann said...

I have a 15 year old son and if teachers want to reach these kids they have to at least understand what their generation is going through.
I'm glad that some of my son's teachers are using the online grading system.

Annery said...

I think it's so important for technology to get into our classrooms. I was discussing this problem with a partner in the training design firm I contract with he said one of the things that has frustrated him since the 1970's, when he got his degree, is the resistance of the educational system to embrace technology and change. While teachers have so much on their plate, I applaud the ones like you who are going that extra mile..and a half or two, and improving our future through self-improvement.