Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Selected Database

I have narrowed down my selected database for my final project. I am specifically focusing on one author for fourth grade students. The author is Judy Blume. The Internet workshop is designed for two labs periods of 35 minutes each. Students will be given detailed information and instructions to follow on pursuit for their research on the author Judy Blume. The following sheet will be handed out prior to going to the library and will be spoken about during Language Arts class. Please refer to the website also: http://www.judyblume.com/menu-main.html Students will be fimiliar with navigation in the internet. Students have been working on internet workshops all year.

Author Information Worksheet

Student Name_____________

Complete the following information in your Language Arts notebook after navigating to this site http://www.judyblume.com/menu-main.html:

1. Author name: ____________________________

2. Personal Information such as:

• Date of birth
• Where they live
• Family information

3. List of at least 4 of the books the author has written with short summaries of each book.

4. Genre of the author’s writing (may be more than one):

5. Any awards won:

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