Friday, November 9, 2007

Internet Workshop: Author's

I have found these websites to be very helpful in finding author websites that are appropriate for elementary age students. I am doing Project #1: Lesson plan on internet workshop for fourth grade students. Orginally I was going to have my students teach the kindergarten students the lesson and upon further invesitigation I have figured out that it would be more beneficial for my students to learn this long process on their own to get as much out of this as possible. I believe that literacy and the internet are a great combination and essential in learning effectively. Please look at the follwing websites that were available in Learning Module #1 provided by Dr. West.

Reading #1
Internet Workshop: Making Time for Literacy at

Reading #2
The Internet in the Classroom at

The first website on Reading #1 is where I found the link to the author websites. In the fourth grade curriculum we cover five of the Judy Blume books and I will be having students research and write a report on this author. They can also use this site to explore other author's and other fourth grade books.

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