Friday, November 2, 2007


Netvibes probably is not my favorite when it comes to creating a webpage. I have had difficulties trying to email my webpage to Dr. West. People are not assigned a web link to send??? So many questions with this program. I do understand how to work the Universe, but it is not yet available. Anyone else feel confused?


rrlmsbandtech said...

Very confused - the learning curve on Netvibes is a long and winding one for me. I'm still trying to figure out how to post my annotations

Anonymous said...

I was frustrated too. Of course, I probably shouldn't have waited until the 11th hour to start! I did not find the "Help" topic to be very helpful and ended up figuring things out by accident (and then trying to remember what I did to get there). It's kind of nice to have all your favorites in one place, but isn't that why there's a "Favorites" on your main search engine?

Jim West said...

I see your point about netvibes. I have posted a comment about it in Discussion 5 and hope you and others will respond.

Omegaman said...

Even when you send the page to someone all they see is your page and it asks you if you want to preview the page before 'adding' it to your page. I too, am not a fan of the setup.

Molly K said...

Yes I had trouble trying to figure out how to send mine as well... I agree with Mary that is was frusterating.... Nice work on your final project so far, it looks like you have put a lot of time and thought into it so far. I am also doing the first option... Good luck with the rest of your lesson plan!