Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Final: Checklist Rubric

The follwing information is what I have decided to do for my rubric and grading for the Web 2.0 Intenet workshop. This was the most simple way to evaluate fourth grade students on such a complex assignment. I will use this like a checklist for evaluation and assessment. All students will get a copy of this before the project is due, so that they understand what and how they are being graded. I will also have them self-evaluate and we will conference together and compare our evaluations. The grade will actually come from both student and teacher.

Rubric and Grading


• I used a strong attention-getting device.
• I used words that the audience could understand.
• My vocabulary was strong and unambiguous.
• I used facts and logical appeals where appropriate.
• I used supportive details.
• The information I gave was valuable
• I stayed focused; I did not stray off my topic.
• I was well informed on my topic.
• I presented information that others didn’t know.
• I was able to answers question from audience


• I used credible Internet resources.
• I used interviews with others as a resource. Additional links on Judy’s site.
• I gave credit to the resources in my speech.
• I put things into my own words.


• I organized ideas in a meaningful way
• I stated my topic clearly in the introduction.
• I included necessary background information.
• The audience could predict the presentation’s basic structure from the introduction alone.
• I used helpful transitions between main points (e.g. first of all, or similarly, etc.)
• Ideas flowed logically from one point to the next.
• A strong conclusion was present.
• The conclusion was a creative summary of my topic.
• The audience could distinguish the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Presentation Aids:

• Presentation aids were used during the speech.
• Presentation aids were relevant.
• Presentation aids enhanced the speech or reinforced main points.
• Presentation aids did not distract the audience.
• Presentation aids were creative.
• Visual aids were easy to read and hear.
• Audio aids were easy to hear.
• Presentation aids contained no spelling or grammar errors.


• I maintained eye-contact most of the time.
• I spoke to the entire audience, not just one or two people.
• My pronunciation was clear and easy to understand.
• My rate of speech was not too fast or too slow.
• My volume was not too loud or too soft.
• My body language was not too relaxed or too tense.
• My voice varied in pitch; it was not monotone.
• I used meaningful gestures.
• I used notes sparingly; I did not read from them.
• I didn’t use filler words (uhm, uh, ah, mm, like).
• I didn’t call attention to errors by apologizing.
• I didn’t fidget, rock back and forth, or pace.
• I maintained good posture.


Jim West said...

Anne, the checklist rubric looks great.

Anne Colbert said...

Thank you Dr. West!!